EBHC 2018 – free session!

The opening lecture and the Session I of Symposium EBHC, held on 8-9 October in Krakow, will be open – anyone interested can take part in it free of charge.

Participation requires only online registration (registration form is available here). In this way, the organizers want to encourage those who can not take part in the whole Symposium – students and representatives of the scientific community – to take part in the event.

Session I topic: “International cooperation on HTA – is it possible to develop supranational solutions?.

The opening of the Symposium will take place on October 8, 2018 at 9:30 at the Holiday Inn Krakow hotel, ul. Wielopole 4.

Programme of the Session I includes: 

  1. The Opening of the Symposium, Magdalena Władysiuk
  2. Opening lecture: Value frameworks and decision-making around the globe, speaker: Wija Oortwijn
  3. Session I: International cooperation on HTA – is it possible to develop supranational solutions
    • Drug policy – a patient-oriented approach, speaker: Marcin Czech
    • Joint HTA in Central Europe: policy relevance, pre–requisites and eventual hurdles, speaker: Dávid Dankó
    • Real World Experience with integrated healthcare in Czech Republic. Practical examples from oncology, cardiology and psychiatry, speaker: Jaroslav Duba
    • Health Technology Assessment Issues in Kazakhstan, speaker: Kamilla Gaitova
    • Panel discussion with Session I speakers and Roman Topór-Mądry, president of AOTMiT.


Symposium is organized by  CEESTAHC Society. Preliminary programme can be found here.